Wednesday, May 15, 2013

installing plantbreeding in R 3.0.0 gui

plantbreeding 1.1.0 is  available for R 3.0.0 current version. 

You can now install in the same way:

install.packages("plantbreeding", repos="")

If you are using RGui in windows, you do menu driven installation as well.

First you need to set repositories to R-Forge. Go to package menu then select set repositories menu and set R-Forge as your repositories.

Now we can install packages from go to the packages menu and then install packages and then select plantbreeding and click OK. 

Please note that the package dependencies must be installed. You can do manually or can be done just simply using the following commend, all at once:

install.packages ("onemap")
install.packages ("agricolae")
install.packages ("reshape")
install.packages ("lme4")
install.packages ("boot")
install.packages ("plyr")
install.packages ("pvclust")