Install recent version of R (R version 3.0.1)
Install plantbreeding. Update to recent release if you have old one.
Default plot expect pvalue as input and produce output in terms of -log10 (pvalue).
# Example data
data12 <- data.frame (snp = 1: 2000*20 , chr = c(rep(1:20, each = 2000)),
pos= rep(1:2000, 20), pval= rnorm(2000*20, 0.001, 0.005))
manhatton.plot(dataframe = data12, SNPname = "snp", chromosome = "chr", position = "pos",pconv= "-log10", pvcol = "pval",ymax = "maximum", ymin = 0, gapbp = 500, color=c("hotpink3","dodgerblue4"), line1 = 3, line2 = 5, pch = c(1,20) )
Plotting p-value without log conversion or R-square
plotting simple p-value or R-square
data13 <- data.frame (snp = 1: 2000*20 , chr = c(rep(1:20, each = 2000)),
pos= rep(1:2000, 20), pval= rnorm(2000*20, 0.15, 0.05))
manhatton.plot(dataframe = data13, pconv= "NULL", ylabel = "R-square", SNPname = "snp", chromosome = "chr", position = "pos", pvcol = "pval",ymax = 0.5, ymin = 0, gapbp = 0, color=c("hotpink3","dodgerblue4", "green1"), line1 = 0.05, line2 = 0.1, pch = c(1,18, 21) )
# with stripes
data12 <- data.frame (snp = 1: 2000*20 , chr = c(rep(1:20, each = 2000)), pos= rep(1:2000, 20), pval= rnorm(2000*20, 0.001, 0.005))
manhatton.plot(dataframe = data12, SNPname = "snp", chromosome = "chr", position = "pos", pvcol = "pval",ymax = "maximum", ymin = 0, gapbp = 500, color=c("hotpink3","dodgerblue4"), line1 = 3, line2 = 5, pch = c(1,20), stripe= TRUE, stripe.color = c("aliceblue", "cornsilk", "lightgoldenrod")
Add annotation above or below a threshold
# with annotation manhatton.plot(dataframe = data12, SNPname = "snp", chromosome = "chr", position = "pos", pvcol = "pval",ymax = "maximum", ymin = 0, gapbp = 500, color=c("hotpink3","dodgerblue4"), line1 = 3, line2 = 5, pch = c(1,20), annotate= TRUE, threshold= 6, thresholddir = "upper" )