plantbreeding - Analysis and visualization of data from plant breeding and genetics experiments
This adds-on package contains functionality for analysis and visualization data from plant breeding experiments. Analysis includes both conventional quantitative genetics as well as molecular breeding tools. The library also consists of example datasets and codes to perform different analysis relevant to plant breeders depending upon other R packages.
The package contains different functiolities relevant to analysis of data from both conventional and molecular plant breeding and genetics experiments. The functionalities include analysis of designs specific to plant breeding needs such as Augmented block designs, Genotype x Environment and stability , variance component and combining ability estimations (eg. Diallel analysis, North Carolina designs, LinexTester), Heritability and Genetic correlation estimation, selection index. Beside classical breeding tools functionalities and examples provide different molecular analysis tools such as genetic map construction, - QTL mapping, association mapping and genomic selection. There are other relevant utilities relevant to handling of moderate to large datasets. Also the package includes functions for visualization of population and genetic gain under selection as well as genome or chromosome wide visualization tools fitted to needs of molecular breeding tools. General R functions are also integrated with to guide new user who have limited experience of using R.
Package: | plantbreeding |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.0 |
Date: | 2012-04-21 |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
# load the package library(plantbreeding) require (plantbreeding) # seek help about the package help(plantbreeding) library(help = plantbreeding) # list of dataset in the package data(package="plantbreeding") # list all objects in the package ls("package:plantbreeding") # load a dataset from the library - for example dataset nassociation data (nassociation) # seek help on particular function, example map.plot help (map.plot) ?map.plot # example of applying a function # Example 1 : Diallele analysis require(plantbreeding) data(fulldial) out <-diallele1(dataframe = fulldial, male = "MALE", female = "FEMALE", progeny = "TRT", replication = "REP", yvar = "YIELD" ) print(out) out$anvout # analysis of variance out$anova.mod1 # analysis of variance for GCA and SCA effects out$components.model1 # model1 GCA, SCA and reciprocal components out$gca.effmat # GCA effects out$sca.effmat # SCA effect matrix heatmap(out$sca.effmat, labRow = rownames(out$sca.effmat) , labCol = colnames(out$sca.effmat)) # heatmap plot of SCA matrix out$reciprocal.effmat # reciprocal effect matrix # Example 2: Stability, AMMI analysis and heatmap plot # stability analysis require(plantbreeding) data(multienv) out <- stability (dataframe = multienv , yvar = "yield", genotypes = "genotypes", environments = "environments", replication = "replication") out # AMMI analysis results <- ammi.full(dataframe = multienv , environment = "environments", genotype = "genotypes", replication = "replication", yvar = "yield") results # heatmap plot heatmap (results$means, col = cm.colors (10)) # Example 3 : Analysis of Augumented row column block designs data(rowcoldata) outp <- aug.rowcol(dataframe = rowcoldata, rows = "rows", columns = "columns", genotypes = "genotypes", yield = "yield") outp$ANOVA # analysis of variance outp$Adjustment # adjusted values #### Example 4: Mahattan plots for association mapping results set.seed (1234) data12 <- data.frame (snp = 1: 2000*20 , chr = c(rep(1:20, each = 2000)), pos= rep(1:2000, 20), pval= rnorm(2000*20, 0.001, 0.005)) manhatton.circos(dataframe = data12, SNPname = "snp", chromosome = "chr", position = "pos", pvcol = "pval",ymax = "maximum", ymin = 0, gapbp = 500, type = "polar", colour = "multicolor", geom = "area") manhatton.circos(dataframe = data12, SNPname = "snp", chromosome = "chr", position = "pos", pvcol = "pval",ymax = "maximum", ymin = 0, gapbp = 1000, type = "polar", colour = "multicolor" , geom = "point") manhatton.circos(dataframe = data12, SNPname = "snp", chromosome = "chr", position = "pos", pvcol = "pval",ymax = "maximum", ymin = 0, gapbp = 1000, type = "regular", colour = "multicolor" , geom = c("line","point")) manhatton.plot(dataframe = data12, SNPname = "snp", chromosome = "chr", position = "pos", pvcol = "pval",ymax = "maximum", ymin = 0, gapbp = 500, color=c("hotpink3","dodgerblue4"), line1 = 3, line2 = 5, pch = c(1,20) ) ### Example 5: plot maps with additional informations lab1 <- paste("SNP_", 1:30, sep = "") mapdat <- data.frame (chr = rep(1:3, each = length (lab1)/3), label= lab1, position= c(0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 0, 4, 5, 9, 12, 18, 20, 21, 22, 33, 0, 2, 6, 9, 12, 14, 18, 21, 24, 28 )) # positions must start from zero # data 2 filling avariable data set.seed (1234) fillcol <-rnorm(3*(length(lab1)-1), 0.5, 0.2) filld <- data.frame(chr1 = rep(1:3, each = length(fillcol)/3), fillcol) mapbar.plot (mapdat = mapdat, chr = "chr" ,position = "position",label = "label", colorpalvec = heat.colors, size = 10, filld = filld, chr1 = "chr1") # Brewing own color palette colvec1 <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "yellow", "green")) mapbar.plot (mapdat = mapdat, chr = "chr" ,position = "position",label = "label", colorpalvec = colvec1, size = 10, filld = filld, chr1 = "chr1")